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Making Christmas Meaningful Sermon Booster Video DVD
Making Christmas Meaningful - Sermon Video DVD
List Price: $39.95
Our Price: $39.95

Product Code: MCM015

Here's a fresh, new concept in boosting your sermon and worship service: short sermon video segments that guarantee your people won't forget the message that Christ makes Christmas meaningful. Complete with live interviews, a gospel music video, and interpretive collages, these scenarios range from fast-paced to sensitive, contemporary to nostalgic, so they'll appeal to everyone in your congregation. Show them in your worship service, as an introduction to your preaching, or anytime during the sermon to get your point across with power!

Here's what you'll get:

Looking for the True Star
A child peeps into all the "stars" of the season--Santa, Rudolph, Frosty--but is only content when she sees the True Star of Christmas, Jesus Christ.

"What a Wonderful Child"
An African-American gospel choir sings a rousing chorus of praise to the Stable-born King in this original, uplifting music video.

Christmas Traditions Around the World
Pastors, missionaries, and internationals tell about the way their native country celebrates Jesus, Heaven's Gift to All Nations.

Did Someone Say Silent Night?
The chaotic scenes that pervade the season contrast with the peaceful Magnificent Message your heart is longing for.

"Mary, Did You Know?"
Classic representations of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus provide a heartwarming overview of God's Christmas plan of salvation (with music by Gary Chapman).

In addition to "boosting" a sermon or worship serivice, this video is a good discussion starter in a setting such as a teen or adult Sunday School class or small group.

May this video help make your celebration of Christmas more meaningful!

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