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Mood Setters and Sermon Boosters Video DVD for The Christmas Touch
The Christmas Touch  - Sermon Video
List Price: $39.95
Our Price: $39.95

Product Code: TCT015

The Mood Setters and Sermon Boosters with a Christmas Touch video brings you an innovative way to capture your congregation's attention while reinforcing your primary sermon message. Show each week's video vignette before, during, or after your sermon to communicate to people of every learning style and drive your preaching topic straight into your listeners' memories. These video clips can also be used in teen and adult Sunday school classes and small groups. They're sure to get your people talking!

Since professional video clips now go for $10-$20 apiece at SermonSpice.com and other sites, our $40 price is an awesome bargain when you consider that 7 similar video clips would cost you $125!

This video in DVD contains the following vignettes:

Pre-Advent Sunday (length 2:26)
"What would you do if you knew a dearly loved relative were coming to visit you?" Taking the idea of preparing for that person's arrival and applying it to the coming of Christ at Christmas, this segment helps your church creatively begin to celebrate Advent.

Advent Sunday 1: Touch Your Neighbors (length 4:48)
What better way is there to connect with your neighbors than to invite them into your home for a Christmas party that celebrates the Christ of Christmas, "the reason for the season"? Norm Wretlind of Neighborly Evangelism Ministries shares how the people of your church can do this in their neighborhoods and share the Christmas touch of salvation.

Advent Sunday #2: Honor the Overlooked (length 1:00)
During the Christmas season, many people are concerned about those who are often overlooked during the rest of the year. Our Word on the Street reporter interviews people from all walks of life, asking, "Where would you take someone to learn how to be caring?" The answers should cause people to begin asking questions!

Advent Sunday #3: Love a Family Member (length approx. 5:00)
In the rush that too often fills our lives during the Christmas season, very often our own families feel left out of our Christmas plans. This heart-warming story of God's love restoring a family relationship will encourage people to "love a family member" this Christmas.

Advent Sunday #4: Seek a Fresh Touch from God (length 5:12)
Even in the midst of Christmas, people can often feel disconnected from God. In this video segment, the classic poem "Touch of the Master's Hand" is dramatically presented to help people experience a "fresh touch" of God's love.

Christmas Eve/Day: Reach toward Heaven (length approx. 2:30)
To help us "reach toward heaven" in praise, internationally acclaimed artist Timothy Botts shares his thoughts as he presents the message of Isaiah's prophecy through calligraphy: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive...."

New Year's Sunday: Embrace the World (length 4:05)
Do you ever feel that your experience of Christmas is disconnected from the remainder of your year? In this video segment, Indian evangelist K.P. Yohannan issues a challenge to "embrace the world" through supporting missions. By realizing God's gift to the world in Jesus, your upcoming year can be transformed by sharing the Christmas touch with the world!

May this video help the people of your church connect with God and connect with others as they experience the "Christmas Touch" of God!

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