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Adventure Guidebook for Untapped Miracles
David Mains - Untapped Miracles for Tapped Out Christians
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Product Code: UM06


At first the Christian life is exciting, full of pep and purpose. But eventually, we all get tired. That’s just part of being in Christ’s “troops.” So when we feel we’re continually falling short, when our fast-paced lives are zapping our spiritual strength, it’s time for some outside help.

David Mains doesn’t offer a miracle cure for tapped-out Christians – he offers eight of them! He tackles the problem of spiritual fatigue head on; you see, he’s encountered it many times in his own journey. This short book talks about eight biblical, but often overlooked, ways Christians can experience a God-given infusion of spiritual energy. And like most powerful ideas, these are amazingly simple and easy to put into practice.

Feeling spiritually tapped out? It’s time to tap into eight reme3dies that can add miracle dimensions to your Christian life. When the Troops Are Tired will get you started. Softcover / 157 pp.

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