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101 Ways to Simplify Your Life
101 Ways to Simplify Your Life
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List Price: $6.80
Our Price: $6.80

Product Code: B101WTSYL


Are you doing more but enjoying it less?  Is striving to “have it all” wearing you out?  Is a 10-minute microwave meal just not fast enough for you?  Do you long to slow down, but aren’t sure where to start? 

You’re not alone.  Many of us are finding that the fast track to success has not delivered the satisfaction it originally promised, and the toll is more costly than we expected.  Our lives reel in chaos.  We share a feeling of being out-of-control, over-stressed, and burned-out.  We long for a chance to pull back and focus on simple pleasures - home, family, and a deeper, more meaningful sense of community. 

Paul Borthwick believes we must unclutter our hectic lives to realize God’s full potential.  101 Ways to Simplify Your Life will challenge you to take the first steps toward a more tranquil, balanced lifestyle.  Each chapter includes practical tips to help you cut back, trade down, and establish new priorities and realistic expectations.  Apply these principles to daily life and you’ll experience a restored sense of sanity to your world.  

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