Bulletin Inserts Promotional Package of publicity inserts helps you publicize the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure and generate excitement in your church. With each package you order, you get a complete set of eight different bulletin inserts (400 total pieces) and two bookmarks (100 total pieces). These full-color inserts for each of the Adventure Sundays (and two pre-Adventure Sundays) will encourage and motivate your people to get involved in the Adventure and come to church anticipating what God can do in their lives. Ordering is easy!
Three simple steps give you everything you need:
1. Estimate the number of bulletins you usually print for Sunday's service (example: 200).
2. Divide that number by 50 (example: 200/50=4).
3. Order the resulting quantity of Bulletin Inserts Promotional Packages to cover all your publicity needs for a ten-week period.
Pre-Adventure Week 1: Are You Ready to Hit the Mark
The author explains how your people can use goals to make progress in their spiritual lives. With the Holy Spirit as their coach, the spiritual goals they set can help them become more like Jesus.
Pre-Adventure Week 2: Your Basic Guide to the 50-Day Spiritual Adventure.
This informative brochure gives your congregation an overview of what this Adventure is all about and motivates them to get involved.
Adventure Week 1: Getting Ready for Sunday.
This brochure will help you and your family be intentional about preparing for Sunday worship earlier in the week. Several midweek exercises are suggested.
Adventure Week 2: Adventuring with Friends and Family.
This pamphlet clearly explains how the Adventure can benefit adults, students, and children in your congregation, and it encourages your people to start the Adventure as a family or small group.
Adventure Week 3: Transformation through Memorization.
Memorizing Scripture is a potent weapon for getting rid of self-destructive habits. This brochure gives you eight techniques for improving your memory.
Adventure Week 4: How Journaling Can Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth.
Can journaling really accomplish this purpose. Of course! We'll let you know how this discipline can help your people see the unseen Christ.
Adventure Week 5: Live a Lighthouse Lifestyle.
This pamphlet explains how to pray for family, friends, and neighbors so that lives can be changed and neighborhoods transformed. A helpful "BLESS" acronym will give you five important ways to pray for those with whom you come in contact.
Adventure Week 6: Prayer Bookmark.
This practical bookmark provides your people with the Best Life Possible Prayer found in their Adult Journals.
Adventure Week 7: How to Keep Adventure in Your Spiritual Life.
This helpful brochure provides insights for keeping the Adventure going and how follow-through techniques will keep you charged spiritually.
Adventure Week 8: Title/Themes Bookmark.
The eight themes for this year's 50-Day Adventure that are listed in this bookmark are a good reminder for those who desire to have the unseen Christ and his presence transform their lives.
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