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From Humbug to Hallelujah

Christians aren't immune from the stress and busyness that mark our culture at Christmastime, so "From Humbug to Hallelujah" really says it all. The overriding message in this biblically based series featuring sermons by pastor Dr. Doug Rumford suggest that the transformation in the life of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens's classic tale "A Christmas Carol" can be the real experience of people in our churches, thanks to the power of Immanuel . . . "God with us!"

To go from humbug to hallelujah:
1. Prepare for a Christmas You'll Never Regret (Pre-Advent Sunday)
2. Break Christmas Chains Forged in Life (Advent Sunday 1)
3. Reawaken the Joy Inherent in Christmas (Advent Sunday 2)
4. Value Relationships Especially at Christmas (Advent Sunday 3)
5. Write a Good Ending to Your Christmas Carol (Advent Sunday 4)
6. Celebrate a Christmas of Miracle Transformations (Christmas Eve/Day)
7. Honor Christmas in Your Heart All Year Long (Sunday after Christmas)

From Humbug to Hallelujah Sermon Series

The mood in America seems to become more cynical with each passing year. The multitudes are grumbling . . . and they probably have something to grumble about. From the economy to the congress and to the presidency, from personal addictions to divorce and from unemployment to debilitating disease and death, it seems like almost everyone has a reason to have a humbug spirit heading into the Christmas season.

The mission that you have chosen to accept, the one that God gave you, is to minister to a world of humbug sinners. Some are lost, some have been found, but all are subject to discouragement brought on by the common trials of life. This year presents you with what may be the opportunity of a lifetime to bring joy to your part of this world of sorrow and pain. You have the opportunity, not necessarily to change people’s circumstances, but, even more so, to change their minds and their hearts, and to bring them out of a humbug life to a hallelujah life.

For those who faithfully attend your church, “From Humbug to Hallelujah” is a sermon series prepared especially with the understanding that changes of heart and mind are most often the result of a process. This series extends over a seven-week period from pre-Advent Sunday through the Sunday after Christmas. Prayerfully prepared and compassionately communicated, this series may be the life-changer that some in your flock need to hear.

Discouragement overwhelms us when we focus on our own circumstances. This series will help you focus your people’s attention on the Creator of our circumstances, and point them to His good and greater plan for their lives. As you lead them from breaking the chains that have been forged in their lives to reawakening the pure joy of Christmas, then through understanding the value of our relationship with Christ and with others, to understanding the transforming power of the Christmas miracle, and on to living that miracle all year long, you will be blessed by seeing God take the words you speak and using them to change lives from humbug to hallelujah.