Go for the Goal Sermon Themes
Believers with a "Go for the Goal" mindset:
1. Remember the Witnesses: A great stadium filled with earlier spiritual champions is the scene the writer of Hebrews paints to encourage Christians in their efforts. But his challenge to REMEMBER THE WITNESSES is only effective if the present generation has knowledge of who some of these special spectators are. Sunday ONE is therefore a call to become acquainted with specific heroes of the faith.
2. Remove Any Hindrances: Runners wear very little. They avoid anything that might distract or hinder them in their efforts. So those competing in the spiritual race are to REMOVE ANY HINDRANCES reads Hebrews 12:1, including entangling sins. How to do this is carefully spelled out on Sunday TWO of the unique and timely series GO FOR THE GOAL.
3. Run with Perseverance: Olympic history is replete with stories of athletes who gave all they had and then some in an attempt to capture the gold. It's this willingness to go the extra that the writer of Hebrews refers to when encouraging Christians to RUN WITH PERSEVERANCE the race marked out for us. Sunday THREE spells out what this involves for believers today.
4. Reach for the Goal: Olympic champions maintain a clear focus regarding what they want to accomplish. They are marked by this all-consuming fire. Spiritual champions are the same way. They REMAIN CHRIST FOCUSED. Sunday FOUR lays out suggestions for doing this such as learning to make Christ your first thought of the day and also your last.
5. Respect Divine Discipline (optional 5th sermon): Drug testing has become a major story because athletes can't always be trusted to live by the rules. God has also been known to punish some of his superstars. Optional Sunday 5 in this timely series is a loving call to RESPECT DIVINE DISCIPLINE. That means when there is a difference of opinion between you and God you are to do it His way!
6.Recover from Injuries (optional 6th sermon): Injuries are a part of all sporting events. Even world-class athletes sometimes have to "play hurt." There are also occasions when they need to withdraw for a time of healing. Spiritual champions with a "go for the gold" mindset RECOVER FROM INJURIES. They don't remain incapacitated forever. This optional Sunday 6 gives you a super strong ending to a great preaching series.
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