The church you've always longed for...
1. Works at being a caring family Acts 2:42-47 et al How-to: Learn to listen with the ears of Jesus
2. Captures the heart of the community Acts 5:12-16 et al How-to: Say good things about the church
3. Welcomes all people Acts 10:1-35 et al How-to: Connect with individuals outside your circle
4. Empowers each individual Acts 18:24-28 et al How-to: Help each other become all God wants us to be
5. Models integrity Acts 5:1-11 et al How-to: Get rid of garbage that pollutes God's church
6. Serves a broken world Acts 16:6-15
7. Encounters the living God Acts 4:23-31 et al
8. Anticipates a great future Matthew 16:13-21 et al
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