Making Prayer Your Second Language "...And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." - Ephesians 6:18a
Making Prayer Your Second Language is a complete 4-week preaching campaign that will help develop your congregation’s skill in speaking with God in four vital ways. Based on the ACTS model of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication), your church will learn to incorporate each attitude of prayer into their daily lives, particularly so if they elect to use the Prayer Journals. Each sermon will take a closer look at a different aspect of prayer, and bring a contemporary light to communicating with God. Every message is also supported with a wealth of pre-built service elements, videos and professional graphics, allowing you to create a custom series tailored to your congregation.
The Primary DVD-ROM Preacher Package contains: - 4 complete sermon manuscripts
- 5 Sets of time-saving worship service elements. Each set is designed to increase the depth of this church-wide experience by harmonizing your worship to your sermons.
- 193 Pre-built and customizable graphic slides. Designed in both JPEG and PowerPoint format.
- 4 professional videos that support each message
- 1 sample Prayer Journal (30-Day)
Excerpts from the 4 MESSAGE THEMES:
1. Adoration: Praise in prayer is much like praise in real life except that it’s directed toward God. When you praise someone you commend them or tell them what it is you appreciate about them. You pay them a compliment...
2. Confession: It’s not uncommon for some Christians to become so casual about wrong doing, that over time confession just drops out of their prayer life altogether. It’s seldom practiced privately, and when it’s included on occasion in a Sunday church service, the matter is taken care of quickly and efficiently, but not in a way that really impacts lives...
3. Thanksgiving: Let me just comment that people who practice exercising a thankful heart are among the most beautiful in the human race – really. That’s in contrast to those who are incredibly privileged but act like they rightfully deserve all the advantages they enjoy. Can you think of anyone like that? There’s something about humble and grateful people, however, that is extremely attractive. And you can learn to be that way, but not without practicing prayers of thanks...
4. Supplication: When asking something of God, pause to consider whether your request is in line with his desires. Now let me add a second thought. When asking something of God, pause to consider whether your request and your life are in line with his desires. So it’s not just your words, but also your life that’s important. Is how you are living in line with God’s expectations?
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