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Student Journal for Seeing the Unseen Christ - 20 Below: On the Edge with Jesus
Student Journal for Seeing the Unseen Christ - 20 Below: On the Edge with Jesus
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List Price: $7.00
Our Price: $7.00

Product Code: STUC023


20 Below.  An age, Not a Temperature.  But if your spiritual life seems a bit chilly these days, check this out: Picture Jesus sitting right next to you.  In math class, on the bus, at the big game.  How do you feel?  If you know that Jesus is in the passenger seat, how does that change the way you drive?  If he’s tagging along as you stroll through the mall, do you shop any differently?  

Would your church just go nuts if Jesus actually showed up to do the Scripture reading?  And what about your own times of prayer?  Would it make things more personal if you weren’t launching your prayers in the general direction of heaven, but to this Friend sitting in your room? 

Jesus is there with you.  Not bodily, but he’s still present.  He has promised to be within you, around you, and he especially likes to hang out when Christians get together with other Christians.  And you can learn to “see” him. 

The fact is, when believers realize that Jesus is right there with them, amazing things start to happen. 

  • Worship is better than any rock concert.
  • People show genuine love to each other.
  • Old sinful habits get smashed.
  • Christians look for cool new ways to serve others.
  • Personal times of prayer and Bible reading are phenomenal.
  • They can’t stop telling others the Good News of Jesus…and it really starts sounding like good news.  

It’s nothing short of a revolution, and it starts when you open your eyes and see Jesus sitting right next to you.  This journal will get you started on an Adventure with Jesus.

Like the Adult Journal, the Student Journal develops spiritual habits such as daily Scripture reading and prayer through questions and helpful action step suggestions. It also corresponds to all eight of your Sunday Adventure themes.

Teen Journals bulk order pricing:
1-19 at $7.00 each
20-99 at $6.00 each (save 15%)
100-299 at $5.00 each (save 29%)
300+ at $4.00 each (save 43%)

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