Pastor: Order your Preacher's Starter Kit for this 50 Day Spiritual Adventure (or order our
Deluxe Campaign Starter Kit) to utilize this exceptional sermon series in your congregation.
Your Preacher's Kit contains the following items:
1. One 300-page Pastor's Manual full of eight Sundays of sermon and service helps.
2. One
Adventure Guidebook When Life Becomes a Maze 3. Two
Adult Journals, What to Do 4. Two
Student Journals The 50-Day Spiritual Adventure is an incredible way to terach your people how to become doers of God's word, not just hearers only..
Here's why: .
Reason #1: This "What to Do" Adventure gives you a wealth of SERMON AND SERVICE IDEAS to create eight unforgettable, transformative Sundays. .
Reason #2: This Adventure also gives your people SERMON APPLICATION JOURNALS to explore God's Word on Sundays and "Do what it says." James 1:22b
Reason #3: This Adventure helps EXTEND THE LIFE OF YOUR SERMONS through sermon application steps found in every journal..
Reason #4: This Adventure GETS EVERYONE IN YOUR CHURCH ON THE SAME PAGE SPIRITUALLY for eight Sundays in a row.
For a Sermon Series Summary, CLICK HERE.
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