To dare to dream again,
1. Let God heal your painful past Judges 6:11-24 How-to: Take on a healthy new identity
2. Discover God's present involvement in your life 1 Samuel 24:1-28 How-to: Go on a daily God Hunt
3. Establish godly goals for your future John 12:1-6; Matthew 26:14-16 How-to: Set godly goals
4. Empower everything you do for God with prayer 1 Samuel 1:1-28 How-to: Personalize the Daring to Dream Again Prayer
5. Confront your ungodly prejudices Acts 10:1-35 How-to: Widen your circle of unlikely friends
6. Identify with God's heart for the world Jonah 3:1-4:11 How-to: Become a world-class Christian
7. Move with God beyond your comfort zones Luke 1:26-38;2:33-35; John 19:25b-27 How-to: Go for the gulp 8. Believe that with God all things are possible John 20:24-31 How-to: Begin dreaming again
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